Saturday, September 15, 2007

A story.

There once was a man, and he lived quite well. He had a nice fortune, a big house, and a good wife. But he wished to quest for truth.

One day, he told this to his wife. "I want to set out to search for truth."

She said to go, then, and find truth. But to leave her their house and his fortune in case he should never return.

The man did so, and set out to find truth. He travelled far--up mountains, through valleys; across seas; through cities and towns. He was climbing a hill and came upon a cave. He entered, and within he found an old woman with scraggly, oily, grey hair, one yellowed tooth, and broken dry skin like weathered parchment. But she spoke to him, and her voice was deep and pure. "I am truth."

He stayed there for some time with her, learning about truth. And when he felt he had learned all he could, he stood up to go. But before leaving he said to her, "You have taught me so much, what can I do to repay you?"

"When you return and tell people about me," she said, "tell them that I am young and beautiful."


Anonymous said...

social desirability bias.

hypatiae said...

i like this, scott.

Anonymous said...

I chuckled. Was I supposed to?

very thought provoking, ol' chap!