Monday, March 26, 2012

Winking in the dark.

"After that kind of night, that company, I was stopping off at the convenience store for a chocolate bar, because after all of it there is nothing else to want and to be had. What kind, well, it was a Caramilk, the best to take your time with, it's true. Well, there was a lineup at the store. Three people in a row were buying gum, and a woman was behind me picking up a bag of chips. She was in a jogging outfit, so maybe she was cheating on her regime, or maybe she was giving herself a gift. Either way, any person deserves that. I had to get to the market, and asked the store clerk if he knew where it was from here. He shrugged, but the woman with the chips told me, 'Keep down this street three blocks, turn left and keep going, you can't miss it.' 'Okay, thanks,' I said, 'Thank you. Your backpack is open, by the way.'"

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