Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Because they know but do not tell.

Here is that wiggling responsibility, then, and my following him around to watch him do bad things on the floor, or hop after our cat, or fall asleep on his back has been making me me wriggle out of my own. I have stacks of books sitting behind me and in front of me, and beach sand still stuck to my feet. I have to retrieve a few hundred dollars for rent and write a few papers, but I am buying brews and writing songs. Responsibility, along with its constant pluralizing, is a difficult gravity to stand under. But this guy swam for the first time, he chews on his leash, and I think he might like me a bit.


Lynn said...

What a pup! What a puppa!

Anonymous said...

i need to meet this handsome creature.

one said...

I'm glad you too have decided to adopt an adorable creature. Can't wait to see the development.
