Monday, November 30, 2009

I just woke to eat some chocolate.


I might consider including my Winner, Grade 5 Spelling Bee recognition in my PhD application. The winning word was "banana."

Dusk is a perfect time for music listening.

Flipping through my yearbook, I noted that a number of my high school classmates wrote about their brilliant athletic achievements as a favourite memory. I wonder if they still hold that same importance. If they do, I wonder if they feel good about that.

I might also consider including my Winner, Grade 3 Speech Contest in my PhD application. My topic was Alexander Graham Bell.

To have things like "Favourite Memory" or "Nickname" added to your yearbook entry, you had to fill out a form and hand it in by some deadline, which I missed. Those that missed it had a stock movie quote under their picture. Mine said, "What if what you think is great, really is great, but not as great, as something greater." It's from The Wedding Planner. That is a good quote. I've never seen it.

I can not wait for the briskness of tomorrow's cold morning air and for the crunch of frosted grass. The rest is fine. But that--

Tea and toast, then coke and 'za, then coffee and cake.

I'm not really sure.


one said...

I, too, -- while attempting to cleanse my soul by a fire and old journals -- found my old yearbook and read all the comments. One of the comments was from a teacher who spoke of my great athletic talent and how we would 'tap into it' more next year.

Next year I quit sports.

Anonymous said...

also watch the wedding singer immediately.

Anonymous said...

a)i came second in a spelling bee in grade 6. the word i failed to spell was 'rural', but my teacher pronounced it 'rule'. in my eyes, she failed me.

b)the wedding planner is a terrible movie, so keep your distance.

c)i'm upset that you use the "word" ''za'.

Scott Herder said...

a) I had a similar experience in a more recent spelling be. The word was "carousal," but the speaker pronounced it "ca-roo-sal." I'm maintaining my bitterness about that.

b) I promise I won't watch it.

c) Shoot. I'm sorry. I'm an English student, which means that I overutilize irony.

Anonymous said...

a) have you ever watched the scripps spelling bee on tv? it is so entertaining; i've spent hours watching it.

b) good. j lo + matthew mcconaughey=painful.

c) i have forgiven you, and for the love of irony, i am currently wearing a prom dress and have drawn a mustache on my face.

p.s. this is sarah.