Thursday, October 22, 2009

In the widening gyre.

And we are all so fluid. We create a course, pushed by the movements of others, and pushing the movements of others, but with such a mindful kinesis. And discipline, as if wary of where our waves might be taken by the others' tide. But our fluidity continues a change that we have no control over, making the care we take something superfluous. In every movement we cannot help but make rapids of the air around us, casting others into new pools of being. Touches, looks, words, even if for a moment, even if unbeknownst, are infinite.


Anonymous said...

the image this leaves is bliss itself, each thing melding into the next, whirlwinds and spiralling at different momentums and velocities in

a giant life storm operating akin to the universe that it seems, most times, to be separate from

the eyes can only see so much bound by nature's law.

words can fill the visionary void

Anonymous said...

This is truly so beautiful that it sent shivers through my body.