Monday, June 8, 2009

Some boats that are not steered.

I have been thinking about how strange it is, really, that some of the things people are held responsible for are not ever of their own accord. Our names, our birthplace, our meek bodies that we are gifted with and all of their wavering attributes, are not anything we had to do with. Yet people are looked at by others, and they by still others, with some sense of conviction that is, however it came, mutually understood. I wonder, though, how these roles are assumed, and how a person might shape their characteristics, the things they do have control over, around those attributes that happened to have fallen face up when cast upon the reverent dirt.


Anonymous said...

Can you imagine playing that influential role? Someday you'll be that powerful dictator for someone. Ah. terrifying...and yet, so expected.
Two people decided it was their turn to continue the life cycle, and now it's simply your turn...or maybe decide it's not your turn. You can do what you'd like, i mean, lets not overlook all the things you do have control over.

what is the name of that painting? I remember learning about it in european history. When they restored the painting they discovered the artist had drawn a sailboat in the distance, but then removed it...probably to enhance the solitary feeling.

Scott Herder said...

Oh goodness, I'm sorry that I took so long to reply, I just didn't even notice that a comment had been left. Anyhow, I like your thoughts. It really is odd in its simplicity when it has such tremendous effects.

And the name of the painting is called The Monk by the Sea by Caspar Friedrich. It's a favourite.

Anonymous said...

Ahh! the monk by the sea! Thank you scotttttt.
Will you be around guelph this coming fall?

Scott Herder said...

I absolutely will be around Guelph. Where will you be around? (And who will you be being around as?)

Anonymous said...

scott allo! i saw you from afar the other night at the bass lions show. It made me think of your blog..which i'm very much enjoying. next time i'll be sure to say hi!

Scott Herder said...

Ah, I wish you would have! I'd have loved to say hello, and to hear about how you are doing. Hopefully I'll see you again soon, then. And I'm glad that you don't mind these silly little paragraphs.