Monday, January 5, 2009

The way forward is sometimes the way back.

To celebrate, my workmates and I became Secret Santa's for one another. We would prepare gifts and leave them behind in the back room for their recipient to open the next time they might come in to work. This is an odd thing, because it is best to open a gift when with the person who is giving it, but the rules of secrecy do not allow it, not until the gift has already been opened.

Mine came in a handled paper gift bag, stapled shut with several dozen efficient fasteners to prevent a getting in and a getting out. I left those and tore the bag, choosing another entrance for myself. And I withdrew a Labyrinth. I small game in which I have to balance a shiny orb across treacherous holes along a shifting platform. A labyrinth, with no accompanying note from whomever I was receiving it. Given to me anonymously. Hmm, I thought.

Hmm. I think it is a dangerous thing to open. But, I am sure, I owe it to the benefactor to try, though rickety, and keep balance enough to reach the end.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you had good holidays, scootie. :)