Sunday, April 25, 2010

In the non-place, a new place.

Replacing a grand disappointment is often made with the adoption of a whole new, wiggling responsibility. It replaces a distant hope with an immediate presence for letting one feel one's worth. Reading Deleuze and Hardt, and thinking that cultural capital very much includes the requirement of a certain level of mentality, gives a picture of our anxious Western world as a place of immaterial power that makes a mind into a discourse. And so a person such as you or such as I may whine in our lives, but only should if I am doing so with the realization that I have been given the gift of having such a place for it. Because of this, that mentality is a burdensome struggle, and a pleasurable burden, and that (soon to come) wiggling responsiblity will be a lovely reminder. And so, in the middle of this, there is a still holding resolution for this still relatively new year, which hopes not to attempt to keep my spirit so abidingly still--and to suppose that all else may as well--but that things flow, and the best footing to look for is only the ability to ride a wavering world.

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